How Contract Management Software is Changing the Game

Contract management software (CMS) is revolutionizing the way sourcing and procurement teams do business. Gone are the days of tedious paper-based contracts. Technology has changed how contracts are signed, negotiated, and renewed. ProcurePort has one of the best contract management software on the market: a cloud-based option that’s secure, easy-to-use, and offers customizable contract templates. Touted as one of the leading CMS by industry experts, here are the reasons ProcurePort’s contract management software is making such waves in the procurement industry.

1. Document control

Prior to cloud-hosted services, contracts were sent back and forth via email. This posed several challenges in that there was little security in the event of the company being hacked. In addition, contracts with sensitive information could be downloaded onto any mobile device and possibly forgotten. With ProcurePort’s CMS, all contracts are centrally located and only authorized personnel can view the documents.

2. Security

In today’s world, the threat of a cyber-attack is very real and costly. If documents are stored on a laptop or other company device, in the event of a ransomware attack, all files may be locked by the hacker. Fortunately, thanks to the cloud-storage nature of ProcurePort’s contract management software, chances of losing all your data during a cyber-attack are greatly mitigated.

3. Competitiveness

There is no denying the fact that suppliers want to deal with organized sourcing and procurement teams. Right from the beginning when you’re obtaining vendor information, ProcurePort’s got you covered thanks to our various RFX templates. And when you’re done selecting your preferred suppliers, we’ll help you seal the deal with our sophisticated contract management software.

4. Eco-Friendly

Did you know that 36 million trees are cut down each year to meet the paper demands of the United States? Now, we can all play our part to reduce the need for paper by encouraging procurement teams and suppliers to go digital. Eliminate paper contracts by using custom CMS that is tried-and-tested and used by hundreds of businesses already.

5. Work from Anywhere

One of the advantages of working with a cloud-based contract management software is that you can work from anywhere. This has never been more important than now when most employees are working remotely due to the pandemic. With scores of employees working from home, businesses can remain open, maintain relations with suppliers, and keep things operating.

6. Customizable Templates

You don’t have to spend hours slaving over templates in Excel anymore. Being able to customize templates on the go is something we’re all too familiar with. That’s why ProcurePort’s Business Intelligence Dashboard makes it easy to view contracts, edit documents and create custom contracts from the available templates which contain essential contract data.

7. Digital Signing

ProcurePort allows suppliers and sourcing teams to be on the same page in real time. View the contract you’re both negotiating simultaneously. Once everything has been resolved and agreed upon, the contract can be signed digitally. You no longer have to present the signed copy of the contract in person. Save time by using this very practical feature.  

8. Disaster Secure

Offices can flood destroying hardware and or filed paperwork. With cloud-based contract software solutions such as those provided by ProcurePort, you can rest assured knowing that all your contracts are safe in the cloud and can be accessed by qualified personnel remotely. Disasters don’t have to slow down your business. Keep operations up and running.

9. Automated Contract Alerts

One of the biggest contract management issues any sourcing and procurement team faces is keeping track of impending expiration dates on the various contracts in place. ProcurePort’s CMS has inbuilt tracking and alert systems which give you notifications ahead of time so you can renew or cancel contracts accordingly.

Don’t get left behind – request a CMS solution demo today

Don’t be stuck in the past with paper-based contracts. Stay with the times and invest in a digital contract management software solution. If you’d like to see ProcurePort’s CMS in action don’t hesitate to request a free demo. To discuss more, contact one of our solutions specialists to find out how ProcurePort can assist you with a customized CMS solution for your business.