5 Myths Surrounding eProcurement

Are you thinking about eProcurement software? You probably are if you’re on this page, but you aren’t sure whether it’s right for you or your business. This is common, and the reason for that is simple: there are many myths about eProcurement.

The truth is that this digital innovation is being harmed by misunderstandings. So we thought we would list five of the most common myths surrounding eProcurement and what the truth behind them is. That way, you can make a more informed decision and have better expectations of the processes involved.

  1. Eprocurement Software Is Complicated For The Average Person

This is probably one of the most common myths to hear. And to some extent, there might be some truth in what people say: it’s always hard to learn something new. Lets face it, none of us were born with the knowledge to drive a car, run a business, or ride a bike. We all learn these skills.

The same can be said of eProcurement software. You might not find it easy to use the software now, but that doesn’t mean that without some training, time, and a little patience you won’t master it. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll find the benefits will be worth those hours of learning.

Anyone can learn our eProcurement software. And the benefits far outweigh the minimal amount of time it takes to learn it.

  1. Your Supplier Relationships Will Be Damaged By EProcurement Software

This is another common myth that certainly holds back those from adopting eProcurement software. The truth is that a good piece of software won’t damage your supplier relationships. In fact, the opposite can be said and there are numerous reasons for this.

Firstly, the best software will automate your procurement processes so you have more time to spend talking to your suppliers in constructive conversations.

Secondly, it gives you clear insights into how your relationships are working out. You can see details like the length of time deliveries are taking, the number of orders made in a specific time frame and so on. This can help you in conversations with suppliers as you can just bring up information without having to call them back at a later date when you’ve retrieved it.

At the same time, digitization of the procurement process can help you create a more competitive environment. Therefore, sellers are more likely to use their charm to keep your business.

  1. You Need Significant IT Support For A Good EProcurement System

Anything associated with computers needs an on-site expert right? Wrong. While there are some eProcurement solutions that need some technical knowledge, that isn’t the case for every solution available on the market.

In fact, some solutions are cloud based, and therefore have a dedicated team working at your solution’s offices that can help you with your problems. You needn’t hire a new employee or train someone else to run the system for you.

Therefore, you can keep costs down in maintaining a great eProcurement system.

  1. EProcurement Is Too Expensive

Any investment you make in your business is going to be expensive. That’s a given in any business decision you make. But it’s important to see the potential rewards you’ll get after making an investment.

For instance, our clients can save up to 40% on their supplies by using our eProcurement software. While some of those savings can be used to pay for the use of our software, the rest can really make a difference to your business. You could reinvest it in more stock to get better rates, pay back creditors, train staff for better productivity, or launch a marketing campaign to generate more revenue.

The bottom line is that the savings can help make your business more profitable.

  1. You Will Lose Some Key Suppliers

This should not even be a concern. Suppliers should welcome the use of eProcurement as it helps them to keep your business and to get more business. When you signup to an eProcurement solution such as ProcurePort, you can get your suppliers to join too.

Sell the potential benefits to them, including more regular and accurate ordering of supplies and access to new potential customers and there’s no reason why they won’t sign-on at the same time as you.

Are You Worried About e-Procurement Myths?

If you’ve been worried about any of the myths we’ve highlighted above, we hope that we’ve alleviated some of your concerns. If you have any other concerns, you can always contact a member of our team who will be happy to discuss your concerns with you.

What’s the myth that worries you the most? Was that myth on the list above?

Email us at sales@procureport.com